Groundhog Technologies and Ooredoo Group Solidifies Cooperation for Geolocation Optimization System

By April 11, 2016APAC, News


Cambridge, MA- April 11, 2016 – Groundhog Technologies is proud to announce that it has completed its five-year strategy agreement with Ooredoo Group for CovMo™ Geolocation system. In a stringent series of bake-offs, Groundhog Technologies was selected due to being rated #1 in technical evaluations, and it’s flexibility to integrate with 3rd party systems.

CovMo™ Geolocation RAN optimization is a module of Groundhog’s larger encompassing Mobility Intelligence Platform™. As part of the 10-country frame agreement, the geolocation system is planned to be deployed across Ooredoo’s OpCos to assist in identifying coverage holes, hotspots, and root causes for drop calls. With VIP-Care functionalities readily available in CovMo™, Ooredoo can use the Geo-CEM features to better ensure subscriber QoE.

Ooredoo will also be able to utilize Groundhog’s multivendor capability to consolidate all NEM (Nokia, Huawei, Ericsson, ZTE) for 2G, 3G, and LTE into one easy-to-use Graphical User interface. Conventionally, once the subscribers fallback from one technology to another while making a call, for example from LTE to 3G, the call can no longer be geo-located. With the Mobility Intelligence Platform™ this problem is solved due to the transparency resulting from the one-platform-all-technology solution. Now the operator is able to geo-locate users regardless of the Inter-RAT bottleneck.

Mobility Intelligence Platform™ and CovMo™ has been a well-established and proven solution which has been deployed across six continents on a nationwide scale, 24×7, and on various technologies (2G, 3G, LTE). Based on breakthrough research in Chaos Theory, Mobility Intelligence Platform™ applies a new method to discover intelligence from subscribers’ actual usage with high topographical resolution and accuracy; utilizing the big data readily available from the live network. Mobility Intelligence Platform™ is also the industry’s first geo-location solution to pioneer indoor-specific issues based on multi-dimensional modelling.

About Groundhog Technologies

Groundhog Technologies is the leading provider of Mobility Intelligence. Our solutions can reveal the locations, Quality of Experience (QoE), context, and lifestyles of all mobile users in the operator’s entire network 24×7. This carrier-grade platform continuously transforms billions of daily network events and petabytes of data into ubiquitous intelligence. This invaluable knowledge empowers our partners to improve services and generate new revenue streams by enabling various applications for Geo-CEM, Geo-Analytics, and Geo-Targeting. Since 2001, Groundhog Technologies has been helping the foremost operators in the world to maximize their network and business potential.