Carbon Dioxide Emissions

Groundhog Inc. primarily engages in software services and does not engage in manufacturing, resulting in no greenhouse gas emissions from manufacturing processes and no discharge of industrial waste. Therefore, the company’s office premises fall within the scope of carbon emissions inventory. Water and electricity consumption for the years 2022 and 2023, as well as the calculated carbon emissions, have all been recorded. The relevant statistical data are as follows:

Water Consumption Statistics
Year Total Consumption (tons) Carbon Emissions (kg) *Consumption per revenue unit (tons) YoY
112 1,191 66 0.0032 -5.40%
111 1,061 59 0.0034
Electricity Consumption Statistics
Year Total Consumption (kW-h) Carbon Emissions (kg) *Consumption per revenue unit (kW-h) YoY
112 235,216 120,792 0.6337 -17.37%
111 239,939 142,196 0.7669

* Revenue unit: NTD 1000 dollars

The office generates general waste, which comes from daily activities and is divided into general waste (including kitchen waste) and recyclable waste. Colleagues routinely dispose of the garbage in the designated waste sorting areas, where building management company cleaners collect and centralize it on each floor. Qualified waste disposal service providers then transport it to an incineration plant for processing. Currently, the building admin center has a contract with the waste disposal service provider for the centralized collection of all building waste. There is no additional charge within a monthly weight variation range of plus or minus 20% from the 7-ton baseline, and no extra fees are deducted.

Based on the current waste disposal model in the building, the average daily waste per floor is less than 30 kilograms. The building management center has not conducted weight measurements for the waste of each tenant on each floor. The company only rents one of the building’s 12 floors, and the daily waste production is not significant. At the same time, a “Greenhouse Gas and Waste Management Policy” has been established, which explicitly outlines management policies and measures for water conservation, energy savings, and waste reduction. It also lists annual water and energy conservation goals.

Using Our Core AI Technology to Reduce Carbon Emissions

Groundhog is committed to using big data analytics technology to assist telecom customers in optimizing the use of their hardware and software, enhancing network efficiency, and thereby reducing various forms of resource waste and carbon footprint. Establishing a sustainable society through our core technology and expanding our influence as a leader in mobile data field are Groundhog’s positioning and mission.

Groundhog’s CovMo™ leverages the collection of signaling trace logs from mobile network base stations and employs big data and AI for analysis and organization. In the following areas, Groundhog assists telecommunications providers in optimizing their network’s daily operations, helping them achieve the goals of energy efficiency, carbon reduction, and environmental protection as part of the company’s sustainable business practices:

  1. Accurate deployment planning: Groundhog analyzes the network traffic and coverage of base stations, and design the layout with the minimum number of base stations to provide high-quality network quality, reduce the number of network base stations to be constructed, and save energy consumption of telecom operators and carbon emissions to achieve environmental protection goals.
  2. The system’s automated network optimization analysis recommendations significantly reduce or even completely eliminate the manpower required to dispatch to the site for field test and drive test when optimizing the mobile network using traditional methods. According to customers’ feedback, Groundhog CovMo™ can effectively reduce traditional drive test time and costs by 80%, helping telecom operators reduce carbon dioxide emissions of Scope 1. While optimizing the network optimization process, Groundhog also helps telecom operators achieve energy savings and carbon emission reduction goals, contributing to environmental protection.
  3. Provide traffic analysis to assist the operation of the intelligent energy-saving function of the base station. When the traffic demand is reduced or there is no network traffic demand, the signal transmission of the base station RF module can be reduced or turned off in a timely manner, thereby achieving the environmental protection goal of energy saving and carbon reduction.

Non-manufacturing Carbon Reduction Initiatives

In addition, company promotes various measures to reduce carbon emissions in the office. These include turning off unnecessary lights during lunch breaks, setting the air conditioning temperature to 26 degrees Celsius or higher in the summer, unplugging unnecessary electrical devices during consecutive long holidays to reduce standby power consumption, using separate air conditioning controllers for each meeting room to minimize power wastage, and encouraging employees to turn off lights when not needed, all aimed at reducing carbon emissions in Scope 2. We also conduct resource and waste separation and recycling in office areas, extend the life cycle of IT equipment through repair and reuse, recycle waste paper, and reuse supplier packaging boxes to enhance resource utilization efficiency. Our internal approval processes are paperless, reducing paper usage and minimizing environmental impact. Furthermore, Groundhog Inc.’s headquarter office is conveniently located near the Taipei MRT ZhongShan Station, reducing commuting time for employees and lowering carbon emissions from Scope 3, thus mitigating climate change risks.